Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day 73 - i'm on the outside (Freestyle)

inspired by Mireille's picture at Rockport a few weeks back.


  1. this looks quite surreal.. looks like its been shopped even though its not. Good job!

  2. Thanks! i did adjust the brightness & contrast a little though.
    Mi, this is from my porch looking into the kitchen. you wont believe the other side of the door looks new.

  3. New doors are great to have, but old ones give a much better effect in a picture!

    Did you play with your depth of field? This picture is now interesting because of the dramatic contrast in focus. I am wondering if a deeper depth of field would have created an old/new contrast or if the whole effect would be lost?

  4. that's a brilliant idea!!!! i'll definitely try it with a wider depth of field. thanks Mi!
